Lisa Mitchell - Life Coaching

grief | trauma | growth | mental health

helping women transition from living on autopilot to creating a purposeful plan that reclaims their life.

Life Coaching is about asking the right questions…

Helping you to dig deep into who you are...
bring awareness to where you are...
and creating a vision of where you dream of being!

Coaching then challenges you to explore your
& incredible strengths


If you don’t plan an intentional life, nothing will change!
And with a coach walking the path with you,
fear...all can begin to loosen their grip!

That feeling of being stuck in ‘what is’
will give way to you striding purposefully
toward your ‘what can be’..
and flourishing in that new place!

As a Registered Social Worker, I have the additional training and experience to understand the impacts trauma, grief, depression, and anxiety have on you and the decisions you make. Some extended health plans may offer coverage for RSW services.

We all experience this…somehow, we realize autopilot has taken over…
Busy schedules…
Others’ “urgents” becoming yours
Saying YES when NO is the best answer…

Before you know it, years have gone by, and…
you are miles off track from the place you once dreamt you would be…
You feel like a mere shadow of the woman you dreamt of becoming…
In a relationship that is somewhere between familiar and comfortable…
but wondering, “Is this my BEST forever?!
(I am thrilled for you if your answer is a resounding YES!!)

Maybe you find yourself:
working in a job…but know you are capable of so much more…

struggling to know what you want to do with your life when you finish your degree…but are trying to remind yourself of why you started your studies…

or maybe you dread opening your eyes every morning because the person you love is no longer beside you where they belong, and the loneliness feels suffocating…

These struggles can lead to feeling STUCK…unable to know what the best thing is to do…how to even know how to figure it all out…and suddenly we can feel

and instead of being able to move forward, we remain stuck surviving instead of thriving, and living passively instead of with purpose, intention and according to our values and who we truly can be.

Meet Your Life Coach

Lisa Mitchell

Lisa Mitchell received her Honours Bachelor of Social Work degree from King’s University College. She is a mother of four, a business owner, and a strong, inspiring female role model. Having experienced her own trauma, she brings an understanding and caring attitude into every coaching and counselling session. Lisa’s passion is supporting your mental health and encouraging balance to help you excel in your personal and professional life. She is experienced in guiding new graduates towards their exciting futures, inspiring hope in grieving hearts, and helping those who feel "stuck" where they are at or scared of a new chapter in their life find freedom and peace.

Lisa, for so long I have been trying to break through my barriers in life, always with meager results. I find that your approach works for me, like no others. For the first time, I am genuinely excited about moving forward in life.
— T.T.
I was connected to Lisa by a close friend in the Fall of 2021. I was experiencing stress in about every aspect of my life including physical/ emotional health, occupational burnout, relationship issues etc..
Lisa was amazing at building up my confidence and helping me tap into my creative side. FYI.. I didn’t even know I had a creative side! I found out so much about myself during our sessions. Some of my favourite activities were; strengths questionnaire, creating a vision board, and writing my daily affirmations to address my inner critic. My inner critic is pretty cruel so this was one enormous task! Sadly we have now completed our sessions.
I will truly miss our sessions.
Thank you Lisa
— Tricia - age 54

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